Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Like a Kid in a Candy Store

Last evening was the Super Bowl of politics and let me tell you, I loved every minute. Harper did a marvelous job and you could clearly see he was enjoying himself on stage.

If Canadians didn't know beforehand, they certainly know now that Harper is a bit of a policy wonk. Harper seemed to be having a blast 'geeking out' before a national audience debating policy with the federal leaders. I thought it was a riot when Harper would smirk after throwing a political one-two punch in the debate with a really awesome line or response.

Martin, sadly, reeked of desperation. He was flailing about like a caged animal with his rhetoric and his instantaneously formulated constitutional policy declarations. What was up with the melt down in the fourth quarter? Martin was ranting and raving in response to questions and was not making any sense! Did I mention lies? He was also lying like a rug! At one point, he said every Canadian economist agreed with him! Was he trying to impress Canadians with his assertation that he knows EVERY Canadian economist? Me thinks not.

Layton? Poor ol'fellow. He did his best, but I don't think that was enough. He came across to me as the sleazy salesman type. Even though I detest his politics, I was hoping he would have a good showing to garner more Liberal votes. For the agriculture question, he responded by talking about a farmer he met in Essex County. No offence to the good people of Essex County, but come on Jack! Have you ever been to Saskatchewan where the NDP traditionally received a fair amount of support in the past? It amazes me that he continues to be so Ontario-centric.

Duceppe was off his game last night. Usually in the English debates, Duceppe will stir the pot by making trouble for the other leaders while charming the pants off of English-speaking Canada. Duceppe also got off very easy last night. Here's a man who wants Quebec to separate from Canada, yet he has no problem complaining, albeit legitimately, about a fiscal imbalance! How bad would the fiscal imbalance be with no federal money in a "sovereign" Quebec? No one should ever underestimate the separatists. Just because they don't openly speak about their agenda, doesn't mean it is any less of a priority for them.


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