Thursday, June 29, 2006

Conservative Scandal?

So it looks like the Globe's Brian Lackie may have a hot story on his hands, as indicated by their headline:

"Tories may have broken political financing laws"

We truly must have reached the dog days of summer, if the innuendo of a Liberal Party Executive Director is enough for a story at the Globe. Perhaps one should consider the facts! Maybe Laghi should have called the Conservative Party of Canada headquarters to speak with their Executive Director? Mais non!

Here are the facts:
  • A company specializing in organizing conventions put on this event for the Conservatives
  • They charged fees directly to the delegates/observers on a cost-recovery basis
  • Surplus funds would have been returned to the delegates/observers

In summary, the Conservative Party of Canada did not receive a red cent from the convention. Therefore, how could they receive political contributions from the delegate fees?

Thursday, June 08, 2006

CBC Supports Terrorism?

Is it just me, or is the CBC doing everything possible to downplay the Toronto terror plot story?

Last night, Neil MacDonald, the CBC's Washington correspondent, portrayed those individuals arrested in connection with the scheme to blow up Toronto as amateurish pranksters. After all, it was the police that sold them a bunch of "harmless powder". How could these kids be to blame?

The CBC also considers this development to be an affront to multiculturalism in Canada. It seems their news directors think there will be an up swell of anti-multiculturalism sentiment among, presumably, us racist white folk.

But, as is typical of my love-hate relationship with the CBC, I thought Mellissa Fung had a great story on how the Canadian Islamic community could be doing more to teach young children more "Canadian" values. Her story hit on a really good point.

With so much news coverage of the middle east on TV, it must be very confusing for young Muslims to understand the complex issues surrounding the violence. I can see how it is possible for young people in the Candian Muslim community to misconstrue the events overseas as a conflict that involves them. But it doesn't. Leaders of the Muslim community, as well as parents, need to properly explain to their younger generations about these conflicts and teach them violence and extremism has no place in their homeland of Canada.

Nevertheless, this does not excuse those connected with plotting a terror attack in Toronto. Should they be found guity in a court of law, they should serve maximum amount of time in jail. We are not talking about kids egging houses in Rosedale.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Nothing to see here, move along now

Last Friday, Canada's law enforcement community clearly demonstrated to the nation and the world their capability to counter terrorism by destructing the largest Canadian terrorism plot. However, the liberal left of this country is doing their best to plug their ears and ignore this event's significance.

Darn near every major newspaper in the country ran with front page headlines on the terror plot - with the exception of the Globe and Mail. What was their headline? "Same sex vote set for fall" Is this honestly the most pressing story of the day? Me thinks not.

Globe columnist and doomsday predictor, Lawrence Martin, wrote today about how Harper will use the terror plot as an excuse to join the "Anglo Axis" of countries, America, Britain and Australia. Heaven help us all.

The most shocking reaction to the Toronto terror plot was the reaction of the Muslim community. I (wrongly) assumed Muslim leaders would strongly denounce the actions of those involved with the terror plot, instead we had someone from the Canadian Muslim Congress on CTV's Question Period criticizing President Bush and Prime Minister Harper.

What's more, the NDP critic was expressed skepticism over the validity of the charges, since the RCMP sold the group the ammonium nitrate. The NDP should not comment on matters beyond their intellectual capacity. The only problem is, they would have nothing to say.

Canada is home to a caring and generous society. It must be very difficult for many Canadians to understand how these youth connected with this plot could want to bring harm to their fellow citizens. We need to keep our eye on the bigger picture.