Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Rae Daze

With the Liberal campaign faultering, the party is now parading Bob Rae before journalists in hopes of saving what's left of their campaign.

What does he decide to speak about? "Harpernomics" (cute line!) Yes, Bob - author of Rae Days - is going to give us all a lesson on balanced budgets. Rrrright. I'll stick with Harper, thanks.

When are the leaders going to start talking about gas prices?!? Canadians may not be smart, but they're certainly not stupid. In a matter of hours, gas prices shot up 12-13 cents a litre because of 'Ike'. Now that the smaller-than-expected storm has passed and market prices for oil have tanked, why did gas only drop 9 cents a litre? Why is the oil industry telling us we have to wait a week before the price corrects itself?

Canadians are being bent over a barrel in broad daylight and no one sees a problem?


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