Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Dhalla and the Drama

As every day passes, Parliament becomes more irrelevant to the lives of ordinary Canadians.

Today's example is with the Parliamentary inquiry into Ruby Dhalla's personal affairs. Don't get me wrong, I think some of her actions were reprehensible, but I hardly believe they are worthy of an examination by a House of Commons committee.

Withholding a person's passport borders on criminal, however, if crimes were committed, it is a task for the RCMP, not our beloved MPs.

I implore our federal politicians to do something more important with their time. What about tackling the drug wars in BC and Toronto?

What about looking into bailing out criminals? Did you know that the only time a criminal has to make a case for bail is when they are accused of killing someone in cold blood? Otherwise, Crown prosecutors must demonstrate why people charged with lesser crimes (such as rape, torture and assault) shouldn't be given bail shouldn't be granted bail. What?


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