Friday, October 20, 2006

Political Heckling

At what point did heckles in the House of Commons become an issue worthy of headlines in the national media?

At the moment, I am watching CTV's Mike Duffy Live with Gloria Galloway with a grim look on her face saying that Peter Mackay should apologize for a comment he made off-camera to another MP during Question Period. Yes, he may have inferred that Belinda Stronach is a bitch. Who cares? Gloria Galloway!

You know what? I hope Minister Mackay doesn't apologize to see how long the media try to play this story out for. It just embarrasses the media and the opposition MPs who feign outrage over the "issue".

I would rather focus my attention on more pressing issues - like the length of my toenails.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Abandon Ship!

Today at lunch, I revealed to a co-worker that I was a closet Conservative. She, being the raving mad socialist, had difficulty grasping the reality of the situation.

Her response? "But you're such a nice guy?! How can you be a Conservative?"

I seriously don't think she'll ever talk to me again, what with the horns protruding from my head and all. Spending one red cent campaigning in this fair city would be a total waste of money. Toronto is a lost cause.

Anyway, back to baby-eating, devil worshipping!

Thursday, October 05, 2006


Of all the things I do not care about, probably high up on that list would be the frequency of sit down chats our Prime Minister has with the Governor General. Yet, for the Toronto Star, they seem to think they have hit upon some sort of major scandal.

What do I care about? Well, for one, I want to know if Prime Minister Harper was cheering for the Leafs or the Senators at last night's hockey game. He seemed excessively elated when Sundin "scored" last night. (BTW, that was not a goal by the Leafs, it was an error by the Senators!) Perhaps he cheers for every team, now that he is Prime Minister.

Only some real investigative journalism can get to the bottom of this question!